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Basic Sniper Course/Preparation for WPS Department of State Contract DDM Course

This Basic Sniper Certification Course introduces students to the fundamentals of precision marksmanship. The overall course will focus on developing a solid foundation in the basics of setting up and utilizing a precision weapon system, as well as how to deploy during tactical operations. The cadre will consist of experienced operational SWAT snipers that will share their knowledge and lessons learned in a constructive learning environment.


Duration 60 Hours/ 6 days

Cost : $510 Dollars

Some of the topics that will be covered:

  • Precision rifle nomenclature and setup

  • Fundamentals of rifle shooting

  • Ballistics and intro to ballistic apps

  • mil/moa

  • Zeroing procedures

  • Positional shooting

  • Tripod utilization

  • Equipment selection

  • Legal liabilities and case law

  • Hide construction

  • Cold bore and target analysis

  • Camouflage

  • Range estimation and Extended Range Fire

  • Stress shooting

  • Scenario based training

  • Engaging Multiple Targets

  • Engaging Moving Targets

  • Effects of Weather (Wind, Altitude Heat/Cold)

  • Hostage Scenario Drills

  • Observation Exercises

  • Command Firing

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