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LEOSA Retired Officer

(Local, State, Federal)

Weapons Re-certification

This course is designed to help the retired officer with legal updates and weapons re-certification in order for him to continue carrying his duty weapon in all 50 states.

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Tactical Carbine Course

This course is designed to take the students from the basic-general knowledge of the patrol rifle to a more advance level.

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Bus Assault Course

This course focuses on the successful resolution to a critical incident on board a passenger or corrections bus.

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Basic SWAT Course

This class will focus on the basic understanding of SWAT operations.

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Department of State

10 Day WPS Preparation Course

This course is designed to prepare the student to enroll into and successful pass the 52 Day State Department More Info...

Basic Sniper Course...

Preparation for WPS Department of State Contract DDM Course.    This Basic Sniper Certification Course introduces students to the fundamentals of precision marksmanship.

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Basic CQB Course

The Assaulter will be able to
successfully demonstrate the duties and responsibilities of an Assault cell as well as the individual duties for the 1,2,3, and 4 men.

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Tactical Casualty Combat Care Course (TCCC)

The TECC LEO tactical medicine course provides a unified tactical and medical doctrine, as effective and safe as possible for all those involved in the rescue chain as non-EMS first responders such as Law Enforcement, Fire Brigade and Private Security.

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Tactical Pistol Course

This Course is designed to take the student from basic knowledge of pistol use to more advance skills.

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Vehicle Assault Course

This course prepares the student (Law Enforcement officer) to conduct a tactical stop, extraction, and apprehension of individuals from a vehicle.

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Mechanical and Ballistic Breaching Course

The course will cover instructional methodologies and course designs for manual and ballistic breaching.  

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Active Shooter Response

This dynamic course of instruction is designed to prepare the first responder to isolate, distract, and neutralize an active shooter.

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